INEv5 – VIRL Topology – Lan Switching Spanning Tree Initial

I have been using INE (Internetwork Expert) CCIE RS rack rental but sometimes I find it a bit too slow for telnet response. So, with the advent of Cisco VIRL I have created the similar lab topology so I can lab the workbooks with fast response.

Initial configuration is saved in the .virl file but it is also available in a separate file just in case VIRL does not load the full config (in this case VLANs).

Topology diagram is also available with the conversion from INE lab to VIRL lab.

I will try to keep posting more VIRL topologies to match INE CCIE RS v5 Advanced Technology Labs

All the best with your study!

VIRL Topology Lan.Switching.Initial.Spanning.Tree.virl

Initial Config Lan.Switching.Initial.Spanning.Tree.Config

INE-VIRL Topology


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